Juz walk n u'll found ur way

16 February 2009


To love is not mean to have
as long as i can see it shining
i'm happy for it
but it doesn't mean
i don't love u
i really care 4 u
all i want is to see u happy
4 me
its okay if
i'm not happy with someone else
than seeing u not happy to be with me

iTs beeN a We3k

dh seminggu aku blk, hmm..asyik kuar jelah keje aku
bukan apa..bosan ddk rumah
adeih..arini pn rasa nk kuar
tp xde duit lak..hehe,kena pau dgn adik2 aku
adoi..nk jd kakak yg bek, sendiri merana
haha..xpe2..aku x kesah pn..aku happy bile diorg epi
byk gk bende pikir time cuti ni..tp sumting yg best
ade r..utk aku n die jer..hahaha..gtg..daa!!!

07 February 2009

iTs be3n a wHiLe

time keep running..
its been a while..
i'm not blogging..
a while??
i spent my short holiday
at swana dwipa
juz want to search
a peace and calmness in mind and heart
everything about migration is settled
same goes to the thing with POLDA
Auni's birthday was done well
even something coming through
block 10 is finished
it's exam also finished
didn't make it well
i frust on the 1st day
wrong diagnose, wrong hypothesis
means wrong everything
shah is admitted t hospital
suspected dengue
n now the result is +ve
pity of him
its happenned during exam's week
don't want to say much
we can see 'everything
he asks me to see him
don't know if i have to
even i'd spend my money for that
don't know my feeling right now..
something happening
in my friendship life
and i cry..
after all these time
i cried once more to protect
my sincerity in friendship
i hope she still believe
my sincerity
i'm not doing you
the same thing
'she' did to me
if i'd done that
there is no different
between me and 'her'
my cellphone is juz damaged
couldn't use it at all
mom told me to bring it home
so, we can repair it
this monday
AK980 will sent me home
and i juz want to rest my mind
spending time with my family
as long as i can be
before i get back to