Juz walk n u'll found ur way

21 July 2009

OSCE n penamaan baru~~

satu exam dh lepas
aku dapat kasus diare pada anak
oklah..cuma sangkut kt physical examination..x tau nape tiba2 sume lupa
sbb muka kemas yaakub kot
n ade kesah sblm tu
mcm biasa
setiap kali osce
aku mesti kuar dgn epul n aini
n mcm biasa gk
diorg mesti nk pilih dulu kes ape..
sesuka ati jer..lps tu bg aku yg susah
huh!! n yg bestnyer td..epul cepat2 ddk kt sit 1st tu
sangkanya yg tu diare r kn
sekali bukan..hahaha!!sukanya aku
after that...kitorg kena quarantine
bengong tol!! bukan sebb kena kuarantin tp sbb die x bg g toilet
aku sakit perut giler ni..rasa nk terkeluar dh..hahaha
tp terpaksa tahan sbb x diizinkan turun bwh..takut kitorg bocorkan soalan
smpai dh xde rasa nk buang air dh aku tahan..tertekan aku!!

after that, kitorg Malaysian angkatan 2007 berkumpul utk buat penamaan semula
utk jawatan YDP n nYDP PKPMI disebabkan atas alasan2 tertentu

n penamaan baru adalah

1) Azlan
2) Shahir
3) Syahmi
4) Sanggari

i hope the best win!! n i hope the best will always know his/her responsibility to make him/her a great leader ever~~

20 July 2009

lets go~~

tiaie'mi e'foar e'stiyudiwhy??? sie'aiwaiokay

19 July 2009


Baru balik dari Bandung..penatnya
ngangkut beg besar yg amat berat penuh berisi buku..
Khamis maghrib, kitorg bertolak dari palembang
nek garuda~~ best2..dapat air n mknan free
tp masa landing mcm senget seblah lk
dari jakarta ke bandung kitorg 'ter'ambik toyota avanza
kete baru lk tu...nek 2 org jer...dh r die psg sume lagu english yg jiwang2
best r!!
dlm kol 12.30 mlm kitorg smpai kt tmpat kos kaklong auni kt dago
angkutlah beg kosong n beg baju kitorg tu nek atas..
bilik yg muat2 utk kitorg 4 org ni blh thn r bagus..
best gk...dari duduk hotel..wt abes duit jer...kui3
makan pn..kitorg menghabiskan segala stok yg ada...
tp sume best2 r..dgn ade ayam sambal...maggie n mcm2 r..
hari pertama..jumaat..kitorg tunggu kaklong auni abes rehearsal, then kitorg g migrasi bandung
after that ke pasar baru..tgk2 jer..tp dpt gk r beli sikit baju bandung..hehe
after that, dh petang..so blk bilik jer..
esoknyer..bgn kol 4 pagi..mandi2..sejukkkkkkkkkkkk
kena g ITB awal..nk cop tempat bagus kt dewan...smpai2..kitorg jer yg ada kt ctu
sekali dgn budak india len r...
antara malaysian yg graduate aritu, kaklong auni jer malay
smpai tgh hari kitorg kt ctu..ITB rupanya tempat ke-6 di Asia n ke-21 kt international
UNSRI ni agak2 yg keberapa eh? nk tau gk..huhu
then, after mengembalikan stamina dgn tido ptg tu, kitorg keluar plak di waktu mlm
ke factory outlet...byk gile factory outlet kt cni~~actually, aku 1st time dgr ade factory outlet ni
sempat r aku bedal 1 jaket utk kegunaan harian aku..huhu~~
n pagi td plak, kitorg bertolak dari bandung pukul 10 n smpai lebih kurg kol 1 kt Jakarta
tp flight kitorg kol 6...hmm, jln2 jap~~ beli dunkin, beard papa n mknn jepun ape ntah td~~
n lastly smpai gk kt palembang...mls dh nk citer sbnrnye..hahahaha~~~

15 July 2009

Let the best win

Hari yang besar utk budak2 Malaysia kt Palembang akan tiba
Hari penentuan YDP n nYDP PKPMI jatuh pada hari Jumaat
tgh hari td, dilakukan penamaan calon
hanya 4 nama yang akan diambil
dan yang terpilih
1) Amir Syahmi
2) Mohamad Shahir
3) Nantha Kumaran
4) Harvinder Singh

Pilihan aku pn termasuk kt atas ni
Byk sebab pilih die..n bagi aku die yang plg layak
tp untuk org lain aku x tau
nnt kalau die dh terpilih..aku bgtau nape die terbaik
ape2 pn..let the best be our leader
pilihlah sebaiknya

byk aspek yang kena fikir sblm buat pilihan..buat aku ape yg nk difikirkan
satu2 calon tu hendaklah:

1)bila org luar dtg n tgk our leader..die akan kagum n yakin kt leader kita
a) gaya bercakap
b) gaya tubuh
c) gaya berdiri
d) isi percakapan
e) lain2

2) hendaklah yang boleh buat kerja..boleh diharap..maksud lainnya bertanggungjawab
walau dalam keadaan ape pn die..marah ke, sedih ke ape ke..die still blh jalankan tanggungjawab tanpa melibatkan hal peribadi n emosi..in other word, professional

3) dapat membuat keputusan sewajarnya tanpa terpengaruh daripada sesiapa pn atau ape sekali pun

4) dapat menghandle pelajar2 lain..atau nama lainnya, dapat membuat org lain respect kepada dirinya..bukan dalam erti takutkan dirinya..tapi respect..faham2 r

penat dh tulis...ngantuk sbnrnya ni..so, fikir2lah sendiri

i hope the best will be our leader n sesape je kita pilih adalah yang terbaik..hahaha
n i really hope 'him' to win this...u're the best!! hahaha

10 July 2009


Byknya duit abes 2 bulan ni!!!
Abeskan duit x beringat..adoi!! ape nk jadi ni ika??
Mcm mana nk blk nnt? segan lk nk jumpa mama n papa
Duit byk abes kt makanan..makan benda mahal2 je byk..
Stoplah mkn mahal2..tahan nafsu
ada lagi setahun tau..kalau x cukup mcm mana??
duit byk abes kt byr internet gk
bil letrik n air lg..adoi2!!!
ni nk wt erp lg..mcm mana ni?
duit tax airport lg..
utk ke sana lg..hmm~~
mama papa..sorry
anakmu ini menghabiskan duit jer~~

08 July 2009

Nintendo DS Lite~~

The Nintendo DS Lite is a slimmer, more lightweight redesign of the original Nintendo DS model. It was announced on January 26, 2006, more than a month before its first territorial launch in Japan on March 2, 2006.

The features and capabilities are the same as the original style DS, but the DS Lite has four levels of LCD screen brightness; however, the four levels do not include a level where the backlight is off. Despite having four brightness levels, even the lowest brightness setting on the Nintendo DS lite is in fact brighter than the Nintendo DS' original style screen, which had one brightness setting and an off setting. Unlike the casing of the original style DS, the DS Lite has a shiny glossy semi-transparent outside casing. The LED battery and charging light indicators have been moved to the upper right-hand corner of the unit, making it viewable regardless of whether the system is open or closed. The "start" and "select" buttons have been moved to the lower right-hand side of the touchscreen, the microphone has been moved to the direct center of the opened device, and the A, B, X, Y, and D-Pad seem to have been designed to match the Wii and Game Boy Micro. The power button above the D-pad was removed and replaced with a switch placed on the right side of the unit. Another improvement is the longer and thicker stylus, significantly reducing the amount of hand cramps as its users use it extensively throughout game play; the stylus holster was moved from the top of the unit to the right side. Although a loop for a wrist strap was retained on the top of the unit, the DS Lite does not ship with a wrist strap. Along with the other advancements, the Game Boy port of the DS Lite is shorter than the original style DS's port. When inserted, the Game Boy Advance cartridge protrudes out approximately 1 cm from under the unit. Also, the charger connector is smaller, so a different charger must be used. Although the connector is similar in form factor to theGame Boy Micro, their AC adapters are not cross compatible. It also comes with a dust-protector for the GBA slot which also provides a seamless surface

Sape nk belikan??? Nk 1!!!

01 July 2009

1st July - My Day~~

They wish me...

from Auni

"happy birthday to my dearest buddy
-ika cute-
hope u'll always be happy
luv u a lots"

from abang

"haha dah makin tua
anyway tahniah dan semoga panjang umur,
murah rezeki dan bahagia dunia akhirat"

from ayie

"Salam, selamat hari jd ke-20
Semoga pjg umur, murah rezeki
and enjoy your life"

from kakcik

"Appy bfday!!
Moga pnjg umo n bhgia slalu....
syg ika! =p"

from Hazim

"Happy Birthday!!!!
semoga pjg umur,
bertemu jodoh yang sesuai
dan juga selalu bahagia
dan sihat di sane..."

from k Ani

" hepi besday 2 u
wish u all da best n gud luck in wat eva u do...."

from k Ayna

"happy 20th birthday iqa cyg!
eeh dh bsr rupenye bdk kck ni :p
may all ur dreams will cum tru tis yr dear,
love you to bits ! :)"

from Cami

"slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
ckup 20x
slmt lahir hari yg 20 ke
anda dh ade 2 kepala
anda mmg tua
semoga lebih diberkati
cepat kawen
p/s:rajen2 skek mandi

from herka

Happy Birtday ya.....
Wish U all the best....
baek gak aku??? doain kau...

from k kuan

"hepy besday ika
semoga panjang umur n dimurahkan rezeki

from k ayu

"semoga pnjg umur...
murah rezeki
n cepat2 lah cari couple
good luck and always be success in what ever u do"


from auni : birthday's night

surprise at Happy Puppy (Karaoke)
thankz Auni for the cake
thankz cami, ayna, huda, sakeen, nadia, tirah, epul, lan, shah n sheghi
for the lovely celebration


From Auni my beloved housemate
(leh goyang2~~1st time dpt kad len dr yg bese ^____^)